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The Primary Section of Ciji Experimental School was formerly known as Ciji Primary School, which was invested and founded in 2000. It is a six-year private school based on the first class in the province, built with high starting point and high standards. The school is located in the downtown area of Cixi City, covering an area of 103 mu. There 's a construction area of 70,000 square meters, with a total investment of 580 million yuan. The campus is known as "the carrier of private primary schools in Zhejiang Province" for its bright architectural style, beautiful modern environmental facilities and first-class leading educational conditions.

The school adheres to the tenet of "High quality education to develop people and high quality service to take care of people", aims to be" a high standard modern school in line with international standards, a model school with distinct and diverse characteristics, a home full of philanthropic spirit, and a paradise filled with humanistic atmosphere", regards "honesty, courtesy, enjoy learning, innovation" as the school spirit, regards "Develop yourself and care for others" as the motto, has won more than 80 municipal honors after 20 years of hard work, and has become the best school with quality in Cixi city and the largest primary school in Zhejiang Province.






The school leadership is a responsible and innovative management team. The team members are excellent and highly capable, with both senior education backbone and vigorous new force, which provides a strong organizational guarantee for the sustainable in high quality development of the school.

The school now has 89 honorary recipients at or above the municipal level include special class teachers, famous teachers, backbone teachers, new teachers, top-ten class head teachers, etc. All subjects are taught by full-time teachers, and the teaching quality is among the best in the city's primary schools. In recent years, the indicators of Chinese, mathematics and English rank the first in the city, and the teachers are In the leading position in terms of quantity and quality.

On the basis of strict management and innovative thinking, the school has launched the "Re-enhancement project" for teachers' quality in order to improve the overall quality of the teaching body and implemented precision training. All the staff adhere to the spirit of the staff "One heart, self-respect and self-improvement, dedications, coexistence and common prosperity",with the goal of building a century-old famous campus, continuously practice and enhance the gold content of "Ciji" brand.




Dual-track Integrated Great Chinese Education

课内打基础,课外求拓展。开展国学教育,实施海量阅读实验,让孩子们大量阅读,开拓视野, 提高人文素养。注重写字教学,硬笔书法进课堂。

Lay the foundation in class and expand knowledge outside the class. Carry out Chinese studies education to implement massive reading experiments, and let children read a lot, broaden their horizons and improve humanistic quality. Pay attention to the teaching of handwriting and the classroom is provided with hard pen calligraphy.



Hierarchical and expanded mathematics education

课堂教学30分钟打基础,10分钟求拓展,兴趣活动进行培优,因材施教,分层推进,扬长促潜, 做到课课有拓展,人人有提高,形成数学教学特色。

Classroom teaching takes 30 minutes to lay the foundation and 10 minutes to seek expansion. Adopting teaching methods of interest activities cultivation, individualized teaching, hierarchical advancement, advantage growth and potential promotion, so that the lessons can be expanded, everyone can improve and form the featured mathematics teaching.



Step-by-step English education

学校从一年级起就开设英语课,引入外教口语课,开展跨文化交流,引领学生成为一个国际人。 采用低段牛津、高段PEP的阶梯式英语教育模式。

The school has offered English classes since the first grade, introduced oral English classes by foreign teachers, carried out cross-cultural exchanges, and led students to become international people. In addition, a stepped English education mode of low Oxford and high PEP is adopted.



学校根据“大量输入,高频浸润,多维渗透,融合发展” 的原则,与美国兰尼学校合作开发了融合式英语课程。学校还开设西班牙语、高尔夫、滑板等拓展课程,为学生提供高品质 的中西融合教育,慈吉外国语品牌在教育界和家长群体中赢得了良好的口碑!

   学校更开设了 105个选修课程,不仅覆盖到全体学生,还实现了由点到面的转变,涌现出一批高质量、有特色的精品拓展课程。“国际象棋入门”“葫芦丝吹奏”被评为慈溪市精品拓展课程,“体育精品课程群”被评为慈溪市首届名牌课程群。

Based on the principle of "large input, high frequency immersing, multi-dimensional penetration, and integrated development", the school cooperated with the American Lanney School to develop an integrated English curriculum. The school also opened Spanish, golf, skateboarding and other expansion courses to provide students with high-quality Chinese and Western education. The brand of Ciji foreign language has won a good reputation in the education community and parent groups!

The school has also opened 105 elective courses, which not only cover all students, but also realize the transformation from point to surface, and a number of high-quality, distinctive and excellent development courses have emerged. "Introduction to Chess" and "Cucurbit Playing" were rated as the excellent development courses in Cixi City, and the "Exquisite Sports Course Group" was rated as the first famous course group in Cixi City.





The school's graduation test scores in the past five years, in terms of language, mathematics, and English, rank first in the city. The average scores of language proficiency and mathematics in the past two years are significantly ahead of similar schools, and the number of students with high scores in language, mathematics, and English remained the first and far exceeded that of other schools in the city.

At the same time, the students showed their talent and strength in knowledge and talent and had won first prizes on chorus, instrumental music and dance programs repeatedly in Ningbo. In the past five years of sports competitions, the school won 37 times in sports groups, 13 times in music groups, 26 times in art groups, 5 times in science groups and 6 times in computer groups.



学校后勤秉承优质服务的理念,提供完善的住宿条件。学生的寝室一般6人一间,单人落地床铺,空调、 热水一应俱全;生活老师24小时轮班,负责学生生活料理及辅导,保安、校医全天候值班,细心呵护学生。



The school logistics adheres to the concept of high-quality service and provides perfect accommodation conditions. The dormitory of students is generally for 6 people, provided with single floor- to-ceiling beds, air-conditioning and hot water life teachers are in shifts 24 hours a day, responsible for students' daily care and guidance, and security guards and school doctors are on duty around the clock to take care of students.

The school canteen is an A-level canteen in Zhejiang Province. A nutritious meal recipe is carefully designed for students every day, and three meals and two snacks and fruits are provided to support comprehensive and balanced nutrition for the healthy growth of students.

Good logistical support gives students the warmth of home and the guarantee of love.
